Public Schools in Akron, OH
There's 76 public schools found in Akron, OH. This is the main type of schools listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Akron schools on this page to choose from.
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List of Akron Public Schools
Following is the list of all public schools found in Akron. The public schools are alphabetically sorted by their names. You may sort them by their popularity using the 'Sort By' option bellow. This page displays public schools from record 1 to 50. Navigate through other pages to find more public schools in Akron. Or use the search box bellow to filter out specific public schools from the list.
77 West Thornton St, Akron, OH - 44311-1357
225 South Main St, Akron, OH - 44308-0001
1200 East Market St, Akron, OH - 44305-4018
123 South Forge St, Akron, OH - 44308-1703
265 Park St, Akron, OH - 44304-1305
1557 Vernon Odom Blvd Ste 203, Akron, OH - 44320-4428
1160 Winhurst Dr, Akron, OH - 44313-5761
665 Garry Rd, Akron, OH - 44305-1760
1246 North Cleveland Massillon, Akron, OH - 44333-2126
444 Darrow Rd, Akron, OH - 44305-3004
1040 Copley Rd, Akron, OH - 44320-2853
1458 Brittain Rd, Akron, OH - 44310-3641
1393 Westvale Ave, Akron, OH - 44313-6565
107 S Arlington St, Akron, OH - 44306-1328
530 West Turkeyfoot Lake Rd, Akron, OH - 44319-3451
1135 Portage Lakes Dr, Akron, OH - 44319-1431
3257 Cormany Rd, Akron, OH - 44319-1425
1000 Diagonal Rd, Akron, OH - 44320-3706
1338 Virginia Ave, Akron, OH - 44306-3603
1199 V Odom Blvd, Akron, OH - 44307-1048
80 Brittain Rd, Akron, OH - 44305-4222
92 N Union St, Akron, OH - 44304-1347
309 Woolf Ave, Akron, OH - 44312-1629
65 West Tallmadge Ave, Akron, OH - 44310-2945
333 Rampart Ave, Akron, OH - 44313-6432
1479 Girard St, Akron, OH - 44301-2163
850 Damon St, Akron, OH - 44310-3425
935 Hammel St, Akron, OH - 44306-1946
1651 Massillon Rd, Akron, OH - 44312-4204
1085 Clifton Ave, Akron, OH - 44310-2011
1933 Baker Ave, Akron, OH - 44312-2127
450 Vernon Odom Boulevard, Akron, OH - 44307
1060 E Archwood Ave, Akron, OH - 44306-2849
2385 Wedgewood Dr, Akron, OH - 44312-2401
400 W Market St, Akron, OH - 44303
2405 Romig Rd, Akron, OH - 44320-4000
2405 Romig Rd, Akron, OH - 44320-3826
1999 East Ave, Akron, OH - 44314-2606
227 E Tallmadge Ave, Akron, OH - 44310-2337
65 N Meadowcroft Dr, Akron, OH - 44313-6251
2140 13th St Sw, Akron, OH - 44314-2338
805 Memorial Pkwy, Akron, OH - 44303-1640
333 E Thornton St, Akron, OH - 44311-1663
470 Castle Blvd, Akron, OH - 44313-7508
1035 Clay St, Akron, OH - 44301-1517
437 W Nimisila Rd, Akron, OH - 44319-4964
760 W Nimisila Rd, Akron, OH - 44319-4621
700 E Exchange St, Akron, OH - 44306-1036
349 Cole Ave, Akron, OH - 44301-1820
88 Kent St, Akron, OH - 44305-2544
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Find in Akron
Schools of Akron are listed in the following categories. Please click on one of them to find Akron schools of that type.
- Preschools (14)
- Elementary Schools (57)
- Middle Schools (26)
- High Schools (22)
- Public Schools (76)
- Private Schools (10)
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